Collection: Angelite

Angelic Connection  •  Peace  •  Tranquility  •  Communication

Angelite, also called Anhydrite, is a calming, peaceful crystal that creates a bridge of light between us and the Angelic Realms.  It strengthens our conscious contact with the our Guardian Angels, for protection, support, guidance, and to remind us that we're never alone.   Angelite also helps souls cross over.  A crystal associated with our Throat Chakra, Angelite helps us to express our thoughts and understand other peoples point of view.

Scroll to the bottom to choose your special piece of Angelite  ♡



Angelite, also called Angeline, is a trade name for a Blue - Grey variety of Anhydrite.  

You may have seen articles stating Angelite is formed when Celestite is compressed for millions of years.  We had read this in reputable crystal resources that we trust (including The Crystal Bible) and assumed it to be true.  After further research we have discovered that in fact Angelite is formed from dehydrated Gypsum (Selenite) rather than Celestite.  

Celestite's formula is SrSO4, Gypsum's formula is CaSO4·2H2O and Angelite is CaSO4, the same as Gypsum without H2O (water). Angelite (or Anhydrite as is it's technical name), is formed from Gypsum not Celestite, although, Celestite can be found growing alongside Gypsum, Anhydrite and Calcite.  

Both Gypsum (Selenite) and Anhydrite (Angelite) are both formed from evaporated sea water.  When Gypsum is compressed and looses it's water, Anhydrite is formed.  It is also found on the peaks of salt domes, typically salt is topped by a layer of Anhydrite, topped by Gypsum, topped by Calcite.  

Abraham Gottlob Werner, a German geologist discovered Anhydrite in 1804, he gave its name due to the absence of water within the stone.  It wasn't until 1987 when the blue-grey variety of Anhydrite, that we know as Angelite, was discovered in Peru by J.I. Koivula and R.C. Kammerling.   

Anhydrite and Gypsum are both used in construction materials and soil fertilisers.  



  • Calms and relaxes
  • Helps us to express ourselves
  • Reminds us that we learn by listening not talking, and helps us to listen and understand other people's point of view​
  • Helps us be compassionate and accepting of things we can't change​
  • Heals psychological pain and cruelty​ 
  • Deepens attunement and heightens perception (particularly for healers)



  • Creates a bridge of light between us and the Angelic Realms to strengthen our conscious contact with the our Guardian Angels, for protection, support, guidance, and to remind us that we're never alone  
  • Enhances telepathic communication (useful to connect two people in different locations)
  • Facilitates out of body journeys
  • Connects us to universal knowledge
  • Attracts peace and tranquillity​   
  • Attracting angels to guard the soul while it crosses over  (humans and pets)
  • Protects our aura and body, especially when taken as an elixir (made indirectly DO NOT put Angelite in water)



Angelite may be helpful for:

  • Pain 
  • Throat, thyroid, lungs, ears
  • Inflammation
  • Balancing body fluid
  • Weight control



  •  Protection for our environment


COLOURS:  Light blue - grey, may have white, yellow or brown inclusions.

DIAPHANEITY:  Opaque - translucent

LUSTER:  Pearly, vitreous, greasy

CRYSTAL FAMILY:    Anhydrous calcium sulfate 

FORMATION:   When sea water is compressed, Gypsum is formed.  When Gypsum is compressed and looses it's water, Anhydrite is formed.   Anhydrite is found in sediment rocks,  formed from evaporated sea water and on the peaks of salt domes where typically salt is topped by a layer of Anhydrite, topped by Gypsum, topped by Calcite.

CRYSTAL SYSTEM:   Orthorhombic 

CRYSTAL HABIT:  Rare tabular and prismatic crystals. Usually occurs as fibrous, parallel veins that break off into cleavage fragments. Also occurs as grainy, massive, or nodular masses


HARDNESS:   3.5 on the Mohs scale

ORIGIN:   Peru  


CHAKRA:  Third Eye and Throat Chakra's


ZODIAC:  Aquarius


PLANETS:   Uranus, Moon

CLEANSING:  Our favourite way to cleanse Angelite is taking it to the beach and holding it in the sea air.  Alternatively popping it outside, in a dry place, on a piece of Selenite, to be cleansed by the wind. 

CARE:  Take special care to protect Angelite.   Keep it away from water as it absorbs moisture at the drop of a hat and if exposed to water will transform to Gypsum.  Angelite is easily marred and should be protected from scratches, sharp blows or large temperature changes that will fracture, shatter or chip it.

ESSENTIAL OIL:  Our favourite essential oil to diffuse while using Angelite is Lemon Myrtle, an equaliser of relationships and helps accept each other


Adam Barralet –, ,  Judy Hall – The Crystal Bible,,,,

All information provided on this website is for interest and is not intended as medical advice. The products listed on and @hiah.bymiah are not intended to diagnose, mitigate, treat, cure, or prevent any disease . It is not intended as medical advice, for diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions always see your medical professional. 

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