Collection: Larimar

Calm • Meditation • Inner Strength • Atlantean Wisdom

Larimar is a blue Pectolite but is also known as Dolphin Stone, Caribbean Gemstone and Atlantis Stone.  This is a beautiful calming stone that helps us relax and go with the flow.  Larimar also helps strengthens our connection with the earth and oceans, and helps us appreciate what the universe provides for us.  It's a lovely stone to use when meditating, helping us empty our minds to allow the wisdom of the Atlantean's to flow. 

Scroll to the bottom to view our range of Larimar crystals and jewellery ♡


Before his death in Edgar Cayce, a famous American prophet, talked about a beautiful soft blue stone that was used in the times of Atlantis as a powerful healing tool.  It is believe that the stone he talked about was Larimar.  He foresaw it having incredible beauty and potent healing power.  He predicted it would be found somewhere in the Caribbean, where he believed the lost continent of Atlantis is located. 

Larimar was first discovered in 1916 by Father Miguel Domingo Fuertes Loren.  However it wasn't mined until 1974 when Miguel Méndez and Peace Corps volunteer Norman Rilling noticed a piece of Larimar on the Barahonas province shoreline. Its name comes from Miguel's daughter, Larissa, and "mar," the Spanish word for "sea".

Larimar is found in a remote mine located in a mountainous location of the Dominican province of Barahonas where locals still mine the stone from narrow crevices using primitive hand tools. Accessibility and slow mining process paired with the beauty of the stone makes this a rare, sought after and expensive crystal.  



  • Restores inner strength
  • Brings us inspiration and increases our creativity
  • Nurtures
  • Self-sabotage  
  • Helps us let go of beliefs that don't serve our higher-self
  • Heals emotional trauma
  • Brings back childlike joy
  • Helps us to be calm, relax and go with the flow
  • Increases our feminine personality 
  • Helps us to listen when we need to and express ourselves truthfully and be assertive when we to need 


  • Helps us to meditate
  • Guides us on our spiritual pathway
  • Removes negative entity attachments
  • Heightens our inner wisdom
  • Increases our power to manifest 
  • Attracts our soul-mate
  • Heals relationship karma
  • Connects us with the Earth Goddess, connecting us with nature, the ocean, and helps us to appreciate what the universe brings to us
  • Connects us with the Atlanteans', mermaids and mermen

Larimar may be helpful for:

  • Arteries, blocked
  • Bipolar
  • Coldness
  • Head and neck pain
  • Cartilage / Joints
  • Throat problems
  • Aids with reflexology, guiding to the cause of the problem


  • Healing of the earth and nature
  • Reduces geopathic stress



COLOURS: Light blue to green blue and deep blue with swirling bands of white. May have orange-red-brown copper inclusions.

DIAPHANEITY: Translucent to opaque

LUSTER:  Silky, subvitreous


            Silicate mineral
Larimar (blue),  Pectolite (white)



Larimar is a blue form of Pectolite, getting its colour from copper substituting calcium.

Volcanic rocks, andesites and basalts, erupted within the limestones of the south coast of the Dominican Republic.  There were cavities in the rocks which, overtime, filled with a variety of minerals, including the Blue Pectolite.  When the rocks erode, the pectolite fillings are carried down the slope to end up to the ocean.  The rocks were naturally polished as the tumbled along the river to the ocean making them stand out against the dark gravels on the stream bed and ocean floor.  


CRYSTAL CLASS:  Pinacoidal

CRYSTAL HABIT:  Tabular to acicular, radiating fibrous, spheroidal, or columnar; massive


HARDNESS:   4.5 - 5  on the Mohs scale

ORIGIN:   Dominican Republic.  Small mines in Canada and USA


CHAKRA Third Eye and Throat Chakra




PLANETS:  Neptune



CLEANSING:  Our favourite way to cleanse Larimar is taking it to the beach and cleansing it in the ocean, if not some natural water

CARE:  -
🧴 Cleaners - abrasive or chemical
🔥 Heat
✂️ Sharp objects
🔆 Sunlight - will fade in direct bright light / sunlight
〰️ Ultrasonic cleaners
🧂 Salt, will damage it's surface

Adam Barralet –, ,  Judy Hall – The Crystal Bible,  Wikipedia. Mindat

All information provided on this website is for educational purposes only. The products listed on and @hiah.bymiah are not intended to diagnose, mitigate, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. offers information that is provided for recreational and personal reference purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional care. 

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