Collection: Celestite

Peace  •  Angelic Connection  •  Calm •  Hope

Celestite, more properly named Celestine, is a high vibrational, spiritual crystal of infinite peace and calm.   It strengthens our conscious connection with the Angelic realm and spirit guides for protection, guidance, support and love.  It's a crystal that brings hope and releases tension, stress and worry. 

Scroll to the bottom to view our range of Celestite crystals and jewellery ♡


Celestite was originally named "Fasriger Schwerspath" in 1791 by Andreas Gotthelf Schütz.  in 1797 it was renamed "Schwefelsaurer Strontianite Aus Pennsylvania" by Martin Klaproth.  Then a year later it was renamed again "Zoelestin", this time by Abraham Gottlieb Werner in German after the Greek name Cœlestis for Celestial in reference to it's light blue colour.   Today it's officially called Celestine by mineralogists but in the "crystal" world it is most commonly referred to as Celestite.  



  • Gives us balance​
  • Releases genetic negative energy​
  • Calms conflict​ and fiery emotions
  • Brings us hope​
  • Releases tension and anxiety​
  • Heals emotional pain, replacing pain for love
  • Brings harmony, especially in stressful situations 
  • Encourages openness and compromise and helps dysfunctional relationships
  • Calms nerves and helps us find inspirational words when public speaking
  • Soothes worry
  • Helps us to see the beauty in the world and each other and to get comfort and happiness from nature and the little things



  • Strengthens our concious connection with the Angelic realm and our Spirit Guides
  • Heals our aura​
  • Brings out the beauty, in ourselves and the world​
  • Gives us balance​
  • Releases genetic negative energy​
  • Brings us hope​


Celestite maybe helpful for:

  • Heals our aura​
  • Balance​ within our body
  • Releases genetic negative energy​
  • Tension and anxiety​
  • Toxins
  • Pain
  • Eyes
  • Ears
  • Throat
  • Muscle tension


    • -


    HEALTH RISKS:  None known, you should always treat mineral specimens with care.


    Celestite is approx 1.45 times heavier than Blue Calcite.  Acid will generate bubbles if it is calcite, and give no reaction with Celestite. However this method will influence the polishing of the Calcite.


    COLOURS: Normally light blue but can be white, pink, pale green, pale brown, black, reddish, greyish; colourless or lightly tinted in transmitted light

    CRYSTAL ASSOCIATIONS:  The main crystals associated with Celestite are:

    • Calcite
    • Fluorite
    • Quartz
    • Gypsum
    • Aragonite 
    • Hematite
    • Sulphur 

    UV REACTION:  Celestite may fluoresce yellow or white blue under a UV light 

    DIAPHANEITY: Transparent to translucent

    LUSTRE: Vitreous, pearly

    STREAK: White


      Sulfate Mineral
    Anhydrous Sulfates


    FORMATION:  Mainly formed in sedimentary rocks such as bedded deposits of gypsum and halite.  Can also be found in bedded limestone and dolomite cavities.

    CRYSTAL SYSTEM:   Orthorhombic 

    CRYSTAL HABIT:  Tabular to pyramidal crystals, fibrous, lamellar, earthy, massive granular


    HARDNESS:   3 - 3.5  on the Mohs scale

    LOCATIONS:   Worldwide, commonly Madagascar and Pennsylvania USA



    CHAKRA:  Crown, Third Eye  and  Throat Chakra's


    ZODIAC:  Gemini


    PLANETS:   Venus and Neptune

    ARCHANGEL:  Archangel Jophiel, the Angel of Beauty, Art and Wisdom

    VIBRATION:  2 and 8


    CLEANSING:  Our favourite way to cleanse Celestite is in the Air, either leaving it outside in the wind or cleansing it with some sage.  

    CARE:  Celestite is very soft and will "bruise" very easily.  Protect Celestite from:

    🧴 Cleaners - abrasive or chemical
    ✂️  Sharp objects
    〰️  Ultrasonic cleaners


    - Crystal Connections, Adam Barralet 
    The Crystal Encyclopaedia, Judy Hall
    Min Dat (Hudson Institute of Mineralogy)

    All information provided on this website is for interest and is not intended as medical advice. The products listed on and @hiah.bymiah are not intended to diagnose, mitigate, treat, cure, or prevent any disease . It is not intended as medical advice, for diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions always see your medical professional. 

    Thank-you for visiting us today, we hope you have found our resources helpful, we appreciate your support. ⊹  ♡。⋆

    #Celestite #CelestiteAucklandNZ #CrystalHealing, #emotionalproperties meaning energy healing, physical properties meaning energy healing, spiritual properties meaning energy healing, metaphysical  #AucklandCrystals, #NewZealandCrystals, NZ Crystals, Crystals at Morris and James, Matakana Crystals and Jewellery, Warkworth Crystals and Jewellery