Collection: Rainforest Jasper

Creativity  •  Self-Esteem  •  Nature

Rainforest Jasper, also called Rainforest Rhyolite or Magpie Jasper, is a very pretty loving crystal that inspires creativity and our imagination.  It strengthens our connection with earth and nature helping us to appreciate, draw strength, inspiration and wisdom from the world around us and how we can use what nature has provided for healing.

Scroll to the bottom to view our range of Rainforest Jasper crystals and jewellery  ♡



  • Stabilises our emotions
  • Inspires our creativity and strengthens our imagination
  • Strengthens our mind
  • Increases our self-esteem
  • Helps us to love, embrace and respect our true self
  • Helps us to respect others
  • Helps us to be calm in stressful situations
  • Gently releases buried emotions
  • Helps us to be more objective
  • Helps us reach a deeper state of meditation


  • Attracts loving energy to our soul
  • Shows us our true potential
  • Strengthens and anchors our soul
  • Brings change without forcing it
  • Accesses ancestral wisdom
  • Brings wisdom of how to use plants and herbs for healing
  • Helps us reach a deeper state of meditation
  • Helps heal our past lives and supports us to move forward


It's believed that Rainforest Jasper may be helpful for:

  • Cellular memory
  • Colds and flu
  • Hospitalisation or prolonged illness
  • Stress



  • Strengthens our connection with earth and nature helping us to appreciate, draw strength, inspiration and wisdom from the world around us
  • Electromagnetic and environmental pollution



  • Alchemists
  • Artists
  • Aromatherapists 
  • Environmentalists
  • Healers
  • Herbalists
  • Naturopaths




HARDNESS:  7 on the Mohs scale

LOCATION:  South America



CHAKRAS:  Root, Earth and Spleen Chakra's 

ZODIAC:  Taurus, Virgo


Adam Barralet –, ,  Judy Hall – The Crystal Bible, Judy Hall -The Encyclopaedia of Crystals, New Edition

All information provided on this website is for educational purposes only. The products listed on and @hiah.bymiah are not intended to diagnose, mitigate, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. offers information that is provided for recreational and personal reference purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional care. 

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