Collection: Black Amethyst

Intuition   •    Wisdom  •  Calm  •    Sleep  •    Headaches

Amethyst is a spiritual crystal known increasing spirituality and connecting us with spiritual intuition and wisdom.  It protects against negative energy without blocking spiritual connections.  Amethyst is well known for calming stress, overwhelm, over-active minds and protecting us against nightmares and bringing us a restful sleep. 

Black Amethyst has a higher iron content to Purple Amethyst, it is rare to find.  It draws intuition and wisdom towards us, grounds us and has a strong protective energy.

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The name Amethyst comes from the Ancient Greek word  “A-Methystos”, meaning not intoxicated.   This came from the belief that the crystal protected its owner from drunkenness.  Ancient Greeks and Romans wore Amethyst and drank from Amethyst drinking vessels in the belief that it would prevent intoxication.  

Amethyst was discovered at least 6,000 years ago, it has been found buried in Prehistoric Neolithic people’s graves in Herefordshire, UK.  

Amethyst was one of the most precious gemstones.  Amethyst features in the British Crown Jewels including the Royal Sceptre.  

In the bible, Amethyst was one of the twelve gemstones that represented the twelve tribes of Israel, is said that the 12th layer of the wall of heaven is built of Amethyst, and that it was worn on the breastplate of the high priest.

Amethyst was considered to be a strong antidote against drunkenness, which is why wine goblets were often carved from it.   Between 1518-1577 the French Poet Remy Belleau wrote a poem "L'Amethyste, ou les Amours de Bacchus et d'Amethyste" (“the loves of Bacchus and Amethyste”), a myth in which Bacchus (God of Wine and Grapes),  fell in love with a maiden named Amethyste, who refused his affections. During prayer, Amethyste was turned to crystal. Bacchus poured wine over the stone as an offering, turning the crystal purple.

Greeks believed Amethyst could prevent intoxication, while medieval European soldiers wore Amethyst as protection in battle in the belief that amethysts heal people and keep them cool-headed.

Saint Valentine had an Amethyst ring carved with an image of Cupid. Leonard da Vinci once said that amethyst helps to quicken intelligence and get rid of evil thoughts.


  • Amethyst is a natural tranquilliser known for it’s calming effects
  • It relieves anxiety, stress and strain and soothes irritability
  • Balance emotions
  • Releases anger, worry and fear, sadness and grief
  • Cleanses physical and emotional pain and stress
  • Soothes tension
  • Calms over-active minds and brings focus to scattered thoughts
  • Aids meditation, calming our thoughts and opening our mind to spiritual wisdom and a greater understanding
  • Helps us get to sleep and protects against nightmares
  • Increases our intuition 
  • Increases our common sense and helps us make good decisions
  • Overcomes addictions
  • Cleanses emotional blockages
  • Improves our memory
  • Increases motivation



  • Protects and shields against negative energy and psychic attack without blocking our spiritual connection and  intuition
  • Transmutes negativity, into love
  • Enhances our spiritual vibration and connection
  • Increases our intuition and psychic abilities
  • Brings wisdom and a greater understanding
  • Cleanses blockages to spiritual connection / abilities
  • Sleep with a piece of Amethyst to stimulate out of body experiences and intuitive dreams
  • Supports us through the transition of dying



Amethyst may be helpful for:

  • Stress and anxiety
  • Increases our metabolism 
  • Boosts hormone production
  • Strengthens and cleanses immune system, liver, kidneys, lungs, skin, intestines
  • Cleanses the blood
  • Cleanses physical and emotional pain and stress
  • Headaches and migraines
  • Tension
  • Injuries, bruises and swelling
  • Insomnia
  • Helps stabilise psychiatric conditions but should NOT be used for paranoia or schizophrenia
  • Helps us to over-come addictions
  • Cleanses blockages in our physical body
  • Neural signal transmission in our brain
  • Memory
  • Endocrine system
  • Hearing



  • Blocks geopathic stress and negative environment energies



Transparent to Translucent

BLACK AMETHYST’S colour comes from a much higher iron content

CHEVRON or DREAM AMETHYST combines Amethyst with White Quartz

CITRINE – occurs when Amethyst is heated to temperatures exceeding 300℃.  At these temperatures amethyst loses it’s purple colour and changes to Yellow or Smokey Colour.  This may happen naturally in the earth or from being placed in a kiln

PINK AMETHYST’S colour comes from the addition of Hematite

PURPLE, varies from very pale to deep purple depending on levels of iron content

SPIRIT QUARTZ is unique due to its second-generation smaller crystals that are growing on a larger crystal



CRYSTAL FAMILY:                                              

    Silicate Minerals                                                 
Microcrystalline Quartz                                                   


COMPOSITION:  Amethyst usually grows on the inside of agate geodes formed when clay, silt, sand or gravel are deposited and compacted by running water.



HARDNESS:  7 on the Mohs scale

ORIGIN:  Africa, Brazil, Russia, South America, Sri Lanka, Siberia



CHAKRA:  Crown and Root Chakra's

    BIRTHSTONE:  February

    ZODIAC:  Pisces, Virgo, Aquarius, Capricorn

    ANNIVERSARY:   6th

    PLANET:  Jupiter, the planet of good luck and optimism

    ARCHANGEL:  Archangel Amethyst, the Angel of transmutation and purification


    CLEANSING:  Our favourite way to cleanse Amethyst is with natural running water

    CARE:  Avoid direct sunlight, UV light and heat, all of which can cause the purple colour of Amethyst to fade




    Adam Barralet - Crystal Connections,   Judy Hall – The Crystal Bible,,,,,,,,

    All information provided on this website is for interest and is not intended as medical advice. The products listed on and @hiah.bymiah are not intended to diagnose, mitigate, treat, cure, or prevent any disease . It is not intended as medical advice, for diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions always see your medical professional. 

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