Collection: Cat's Eye

Happiness  •  Protection from Evil Energy

"Cat's Eye CRYSTALS" aren't natural, they are manufactured from glass to imitate a Chatoyancy, or "Cat's Eye Effect".  

Chatoyancy is the name of an optical effect seen in certain crystals.  It occurs when light reflects on fibrous structures, inclusions or cavities within a natural crystal such as Tiger's Eye.  The Cat's Eye Effect (Chatoyancy) refers to the appearance of a crystal.

Whilst Cat's Eye's aren't a crystal produced by nature the appearance makes them very popular.  Despite them being man-made, some healers believe they have healing energies such as happiness, confidence, serenity and warding off evil energies, and others just love how pretty they look.

Scroll to the bottom to view our range of Cat's Eye crystals and jewellery



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#Cat'sEye #Cat'sEyeAucklandNZ #CrystalHealing, #emotionalproperties meaning energy healing, physical properties meaning energy healing, spiritual properties meaning energy healing, metaphysical  #AucklandCrystals, #NewZealandCrystals, NZ Crystals, Crystals at Morris and James, Matakana Crystals and Jewellery, Warkworth Crystals and Jewellery