Collection: Azurite

Spirituality  •  Intuition  •  Enlightenment  

Azurite, known as "The Crystal of Heaven".  It increases our mental awareness, intellect and wisdom.  One of the most powerful crystals to facilitate spiritual and physic development, and aid enlightenment. A "Guardian Crystal" that protects our spirit. 

Scroll to the bottom to view our range of Azurite crystals ♡


Azurite in crystal form is extremely rare and expensive.

Azurite has been used for centuries where the inhabitants of Atlantis and the early Egyptians, used Azurite as a powerful psychic stone and to raise their awareness to a God-conscious state, its secrets known only to the highest priests and priestesses.

It was called the Stone of Heaven by the ancient Chinese who believed it opens celestial gateways.

Romans and Greeks used Azurite for its visionary insights and healing powers.

Mayans used Azurite to facilitate the transfer of wisdom and knowledge via thought

Azurite was used by Native Americans to contact their Indian Spirit Guide, and believed they could feel their presence and receive clear messages from them.


  • Increases our mental awareness, intellect and wisdom
  • Brings clarity and improves mental alertness 
  • Releases negative thoughts and thought patterns
  • Clears confusion, worry and stress



  • One of the most powerful crystals to facilitate spiritual and physic development and aid enlightenment
  • Known as a Guardian Crystal, protecting our spirit
  • Strengthens our abilities in the areas of lucid dreaming and astral projection
  • Brings insight and inner vision
  • Aids connection with our Spirit Guides
  • Facilitates past life recall
  • Cleanses negativity within our mind
  • Helps us to sense the truth in what others would have us believe and protects us from being misled


  • Can help heal addictions
  • Releases stress and anxiety
  • May help release blockages or damage to the brain


  • Helpful for Indigo Children to nurture their psychic ability while balancing and focusing energy levels (check out Adam Barralet's YouTube video for more info)


VARIETIES:  Azurite often grows with Malachite and, or Chrysocolla.  While you may often Malachite without Azurite, Azurite is normally found with Malachite growing with it.  

Azurite has the same composition as Malachite but with a lower water content. 


COMPOSITION:  Azurite is a Copper Carbonate Mineral and grows in masses, stalactites, botryoidal and short prismatic crystals.   



HARDNESS:  4 on the Mohs scale

ORIGIN:  Arizona, Australia, Chile, China, Morocco and Russia. 


CHAKRA:  Third Eye and Crown Chakras

ZODIAC:  Sagittarius ♐︎
PLANET:  Jupiter
CLEANSING:  Our favourite way to cleanse Azurite is with water, but as Azurite is extremely water sensitive you should only place in water for very short amounts of time and only if it's a very well polished and sealed piece.  To be safe Azurite can be cleansed by placing it next to a pond or stream to harmonise with the running water.  And of course cleansing with Selenite is always a good and safe option, or cleanse by putting outside under the moon but protected from rain / dew.
CARE:  Azurite is a soft mineral that is easily broken.  Keep out of water as Azurite will crumble if it's in contact with liquids.  


Adam Barralet - Crystal Connections,   Judy Hall – The Crystal Bible,,,

All information provided on this website is for interest and is not intended as medical advice. The products listed on and @hiah.bymiah are not intended to diagnose, mitigate, treat, cure, or prevent any disease . It is not intended as medical advice, for diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions always see your medical professional.  

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