Collection: Malachite

Inner- transformation  •  Love  •  Protection

Malachite is the stone of transformation, it brings intense inner transformation and creates change, not necessarily for what you want to change, but what's needed for our highest good.  A great crystal for anyone stuck in a situation that they need to get out of. 

Sometimes referred as the "Stone of Paradise", because after it's helped us truly get over past trauma, we're able to learn and move on from it, then we can feel freedom and fully embrace the world around us and open our heart to unconditional love.   Just as a Butterfly had to go through it's own dark struggle before it could open it's wings and fly, Malachite forces us to confront our past, deal with it, let it go, and then move on freely from it.  

* Caution Malachite can amplify positive and negative energy, best to be put away on days when you're feeling down

* Can occasionally cause heart palpations, we don't recommend this stone if you are prone to palpations, discontinuing using Malachite if it causes palpitations 

* Keep Malachite away from water

Scroll to the bottom to our range of Malachite crystals and jewellery ♡


"Malachite is still evolving, and will be one of the most important healing stones of the new millennium" - Judy Hall, The Crystal Bible 

Malachite was believed to be used in ancient Egypt as early as 4000 BC. Since then it has been used in art, cosmetics and as talisman against evil.  

Between the Medieval and Victorian times Malachite was to hung from baby cribs and children's beds to help keep evil at bay, and to help the children have peaceful sleep.

In the Middle Ages when it was used for protection from the "Evil Eye" and as “medicine” for stomach ailments.  Malachite was named in 1747 by J.G. Wallerius after the Greek word for mallow “malache”, a green herb.

Malachite's peacock eyes are seen from cross sections of Malachite when it has formed as a stalactite.  Malachite is formed through several steps, firstly when copper is oxidised by being exposed to water it forms Chrysocolla.  If the water also contains carbonic acid, the acid dissolves the water and forms new mineraloids, most commonly Malachite.  It often grows in combination with other minerals such as turquoise blue Chrysocolla, dark blue Azurite, black Mottramite or rust coloured Limonite.  



  • Powerful emotional healer, Malachite draws out old traumas and suppressed feelings​ and forces us to deal with them, if you are feeling fragile try using a more gentle emotionally healing crystal like Chrysocolla or Rose Quartz
  • Opens our heart to love and attract unconditional love to you​ (best to wear Malachite that touches skin near to your heart) 
  • Alleviates shyness and supports friendships  ​
  • Guides and supports us through change
  • Increases our intuition
  • Releases negative experiences and past trauma
  • Helps us to find our role in previous negative experiences and how we can learn from that experience to make changes in the future to avoid them repeating


  • Grounds spiritual energies
  • Attracts love, good fortune, prosperity and abundance​
  • Protects us from devilish intention and spirit, during pregnancy and childbirth, also for children and travel
  • Breaks unwanted ties and attachments
  • Known to break to warn it's wearer of forthcoming danger​
  • Psychic vision, scrying, receiving messages from the future
  • Identifies blocks to spiritual growth
  • Increases our intuition and brings insight
  • Can facilitate sending peace and healing to different areas of the world


Malachite may be helpful for:
  • Absorbs toxins
  • Arthritis
  • Asthma
  • Cramps
  • Diabetes
  • Dyslexia
  • Epilepsy
  • Fractures
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Pancreas
  • Spleen
  • Tumours
  • Travel sickness
  • Vertigo


Malachite maybe helpful for:

  • Heals earth negative energies
  • Guards against radiation
  • Absorbs plutonium
  • Absorbs electromagnetic pollution


This too will pass



COLOURS:  Green to dark green (almost black)

DIAPHANEITY:  Translucent to opaque

CRYSTAL FAMILY:    Carbonate Mineral - Carbonate with Hydroxide: Monoclinic -  Malachite 

FORMATION:   Malachite often forms with Chrysocolla or Azurite, all three stones formed from weathered Copper veins.  It's peacock eyes are seen from cross sections of Malachite when it has formed as a stalactite.  Azurite turns into Malachite overtime as it's exposed to the weather.  

CRYSTAL SYSTEM:   Monoclinic

CRYSTAL HABIT:  Botryoidal,  massive, stalactitic, prismatic


HARDNESS:   4 - 5 on the Mohs scale

ORIGIN:   Coming soon  


CHAKRA:  Heart Chakra


ZODIAC:  Scorpio, Capricorn


PLANETS:   Venus 

CLEANSING:  As Malachite is highly absorbent of pollutants and negative energies it's important to cleanse your crystal before and after using.  Our favourite way to cleanse Malachite is by placing it on fertile soil, in the sun or on a piece of Selenite.   

CARE:  As Malachite is both very soft, porous and toxic, carved / tumbled Malachite is normally polished with a protective resin or wax that is easily removed with cleaners / water.   Protect Malachite from the following:

☠️ Inhalation or swallowing, Malachite is toxic, keep away from pets   and small children

🧴 Cleaners - abrasive or chemical

🔥 Heat

✂️ Sharp objects

🔆 Sunlight - Malachite doesn't tend to fade but it doesn't like heat

〰️ Ultrasonic cleaners

💦 Water, even for short periods

🧂 Salt, will damage it's surface

ESSENTIAL OIL:  Our favourite essential oil to diffuse while using Malachite is Pine

Adam Barralet –, ,  Judy Hall – The Crystal Bible,,,

All information provided on this website is for educational purposes only. The products listed on and @hiah.bymiah are not intended to diagnose, mitigate, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. offers information that is provided for recreational and personal reference purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional care. 

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Thankyou so much for taking the time to read this, we appreciate your support, Miah and Erica . ⊹  ♡ 。⋆