Collection: Overwhelm

We all have times in our life when we feel overwhelmed, we've been there and understand that feeling and how it can lead to panic and anxiety.  Sometimes we can manage these feelings and sometimes they can get on top of us and we need a little help to work through them or the situation thats causing them.  Whether you already have crystals at home and would like some ideas of how they can support us when we feel overwhelmed, or if you would like to purchase some crystals for yourself or a loved one, we are here to help!

Our favourite crystals to help us when we're feeling overwhelmed are:

  • Amethyst  a natural tranquilliser to calm our body and minds.  Also helpful for releasing tension and soothing headaches or migraines.  As a protective crystal, if your overwhelm is caused from by negative energy, Amethyst will transmute this energy, turning it into love.  
    • Ametrine is Amethyst and Citrine combined in one crystal.  This includes the energy of Amethyst but adds to uplifting, cleansing energy of Citrine.  
    • Pink Amethyst adds a loving, soothing energy to the energy of Purple Amethyst
    • Aquamarine is known for calm and tranquility, just like the ocean washing away what no longer serves and filling us with inner-strength.  This is an especially helpful crystal for anyone who feels over-sensitive
    • Howlite is peaceful crystal helpful for calming, releasing panic and anger, and soothing stress and anxiety.
    • Sodalite calms our mind, settling our thoughts and putting them into logic and order.  It helps us put our feelings into words and soothes panic, overwhelm, fear and worry


    Here are some ideas on how you can use them to help calm overwhelm:

    MEDITATE  Simply hold a crystal in your hand, and either gaze at it or close your eyes and feel it's shape and energy.  A palmstone, flatstone, sphere or tumble are great shapes for this.  

    1. Take some deep breathes, filling your tummy as you breath in and pausing at the end of your breath out letting your body fully relax breath before breathing in again.
    2. Notice where the overwhelm is affecting your body or mind (personally I feel this in the way of a pinching or blocked sensation)
    3. On each breath out visualise the pain, pinch or block flowing up through your body and out with the breath.  Give it permission to leave you.
    4. With each breath in feel the energy from the crystal filling you with calm, visualising it replacing the space where the overwhelm was stored, healing that space and filling it divine peace.  

    ELIXHIR  Place a clean crystal in a bottle or jug of water and put in the fridge.  Poor the cooled water that has been infused with the energy of the crystal into a glass and sip the water.  With each sip feel the cool crystal water diffusing around your body and mind filling you with calm and inner-peace.

    SPRITZ  Use some of your crystal water to put in a spray bottle.  Spray your face with the calming water and breath in its calming energy.  

    ENERGY GRID Place four crystals in a square around you, sit in the middle of the square, breath in their calming energy knowing you are safe and loved

    If you are new to crystals or would like us to talk you through some ways to help with overwhelm, reach out.   We'd love to organise a time for you to visit where we will listen to your situation and share ideas based on our own experience.  If your overwhelm is too much to talk about, don't worry, we can tap into our intuition and allow divine spirit to guide us.  You will be welcomed with love and non-judgement in a relaxing space where anything discussed will be held in the strictest of confidence. 

    Click here to contact us to book an appointment.

    One hour:  $40

    30 mins:  $30 

    * Cost of appointment is payable at time of booking.  Full cost of appointment is redeemable on products on the day of appointment.  Appointment cost is non refundable for appointments cancelled with less than 24 hours notice.  Please bring some paper or note book and coloured pens/pencils with you which may be used for practical exercises or to take notes to take home with you.  Appointments are ideally in person, at our home in Beachlands, Auckland but may be carried out via video call.