Collection: Pietersite

Calm  •   Focus  •  Spiritual Insight

Known as "The Stone of the Storm" or "The Tempest Stone", Pietersite helps us to deal with all different storms that come into our life, helps us keep focused on what's important and removes held on to beliefs that are not serving us.  It's power is heightened in thunder storms.  It's said to hold "the keys to heaven" and is a powerful stone for anyone wanting to delve more into spiritual connections and knowledge. 

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Pietersite was discovered in 1964 by Sidney Pieters, who named this stone after his late father, Louis Pieters.  It has only been available commercially since 1990.

Pietersite was found in two locations, one of those mines is now empty.  The limited quantity of the stone makes it highly valuable and expensive.


  • Helps us to deal with the storms that come in our life
  • Helps us keep focused on what's most important and stops us getting distracted
  • Calms irritation, helps us be more accepting and tolerant
  • Helps us to adapt and navigate
  • Useful for calm, support and grounding, especially when going through puberty 
  • Self acceptance
  • Helps us to confront our fears
  • Increases our intuition and brings loving guidance
  • Helps us feel connect and takes away feeling of loneliness 
  • Removes beliefs and conditioning that have been inflicted on us by other people
  • Removes stubborn blockages and clears confusion



  • Helps us keep on our spiritual path reminding us that we are a spiritual being on a human journey
  • Strengthens connection with our Guardian Angels 
  • Strengthen our Aura and our awareness of our Aura
  • Facilitates spiritual journeying 
  • Opens access to the Akashic Records and past life information about ourselves
  • Increases our intuition and spiritual visions
  • Connects us with loving level of guidance 
  • Releases vows and promises made in previous life times


Pietersite may be helpful for:

  • Problems with the pituitary gland, metabolism, blood pressure, growth hormones, lungs, liver, intestines, feet, legs
  • Stimulates the pineal gland
  • Balances the endocrine system 
  • Increases the absorption of nutrients 


  • Pietersite comes in a variety of different colours, blues, greys, golds and reds. 
  • Mottled
  • Iridescent 


CRYSTAL FAMILY:   Quartz - Chalcedony - Jasper

COMPOSITION:   Silicified Riebeckite with Limonite formed in the crevices of Jasper where Asbestos once was.

CRYSTAL SYSTEM:   Rhombohedra


HARDNESS:  on the Mohs scale

ORIGIN:   Namibia 


CHAKRA:   Third Eye Chakra


ZODIAC:  Leo, Sagittarius



CLEANSING:  Our favourite way to cleanse Pietersite is by putting it out in a thunder or heavy rain storm.  Weather storms will cleanse and recharge Pietersite.  

CARE:  -

Judy Hall - The Crystal Bible,  Adam Barralet - Crystal Connections, ,  

All information provided on this website is for educational purposes only. The products listed on and @hiah.bymiah are not intended to diagnose, mitigate, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. offers information that is provided for recreational and personal reference purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional care. 

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