Collection: Root Chakra


                Muladhara Chakra

I am Safe and Secure, My Needs are Met


PURPOSE:  Our primary needs of food, water, shelter, and survival are met.  Our Root Chakra manages our sense of being safe and secure.  It effects how grounded we feel and how strong our roots are when move through the storms that life brings our way

PHYSICAL RESPONSIBILITY:   Inferior hypogastric plexus, reproductive system, legs, feet, kidneys, colon, bladder and prostate

EMOTIONAL RESPONSIBILITY:  stability, confidence, energy, and strength

LOCATION:  At the base of the spine, the pelvic floor, and the first three vertebrae

CORRESPONDING COLOUR:  Red is the predominant colour for our Root Chakra, but brown, grey and black also support this Chakra


ALSO CALLED:  Base Chakra

REPRESENTED BY:  Four petals of a lotus flower



YOGA POSITION:  Lotus Flexion, Padmasana



A study in 2017 suggests our Root Chakra corresponds to our inferior hypogastric plexus, the nerves that support our organs located in our pelvic cavity.

Like the roots of a tree, hidden beneath the earth, the Root Chakra is where everything begins, it’s the driving force that gives us the energy to live our daily lives and accomplish physical achievements.  It’s the root of true health, well-being and empowerment grows, the foundation of our physical and energetic body. It’s positioned at the base of our spine, linked to the wellness of our adrenal glands and bowel.  When our basic needs aren't met, or we are stressed, have a fright or experience trauma, our survival and well-being are threatened, cortisol floods our body causing flight, fight or freeze mode.  If this happens constantly it can cause our Root Chakra to become imbalanced or blocked. 



Signs that you may have an under-active Root Chakra:


When our basic survival needs aren't met, or if we feel like they're not being met, we can find ourself in survival mode and have a heightened need for earthly values.  

  • Over-eating
  • Hoarding
  • Greed for money 
  • Living in fear
  • Feeling unsafe, unstable, lost (like we don't belong) or uncertain
  • Lacking motivation or energy
  • Feeling anxious or in a state of panic
  • Depressed
  • In a state of despair, or loss of will to live 
  • Find change difficult
  • Negative and cynical
  • Erratic behaviour
  • Feelings of being disconnected and isolated 
  • Put too much importance on material wealth and possessions



Physical symptoms that may be caused by an out of balance Root Chakra are: 

  • Depression 
  • Anxiety
  • Panic Attacks
  • Insomnia
  • Fatigue
  • Constipation, bowel issues
  • Digestive disorders
  • Weight gain or loss
  • Weakened immunity 
  • Issues with lower body, lower back, legs, feet, knees
  • Unexplained aches and pains in the body
  • Urinary / bladder issues
  • Prostate issues



Signs that you may have an over-active Root Chakra:

  • Feeling overly safe and secure, taking unnecessary risk, thrill seeking or behaving recklessly
  • Feeling of being invincible
  • Inconsiderate of others



Signs that your Root Chakra is balanced:

  • Stability, confidence, energy, and strength
  • Feeling present
  • Able to care for yourself
  • Able to provide for yourself
  • Adaptable
  • Dependable, reliable, responsible
  • A sense of belonging
  • Feeling grounded
  • Connection with self and others
  • Drive to live


  • Movement (walking, gardening, yoga, dance, hiking)
  • Connecting to the earth through our feet
  • Sound (key C)
  • Meditation
  • Crystals


ROOT CHAKRA CRYSTALS . . . As crystals come from the earth, they are a powerful tool to activate, unblock, balance and nurture your Root Chakra.  Place them on your Root Chakra, in your home or room, meditate with them, carry them in your pocket, or wear them as jewellery.  Most of the red, black, brown and grey crystals are helpful for our Root Chakra.  We understand how the sheer quantity of options can be a little overwhelming so we recommend using your intuition (we have arranged our store in line with charkas to help with this), and have listed our favourite Root Chakra crystals below.  

As a general rule RED crystals will ACTIVATE your chakra, so if it's already over-active (if you're a bit reckless, feeling invisible and taking unnecessary risks) it's probably best to avoid red and choose BLACK crystals that will SOOTHE and calm your chakra.  Crystals that have both black and red in them (e.g. Hematite,  Mahogany Obsidian, African Bloodstone), or crystals that are brown or grey, are generally good for balancing and nurturing your Root Chakra. 


 Crystal Nurturing a Balanced Root Chakra Over-Active Under-Active
Black Tourmaline


Mahogany Obsidian
Smokey Quartz

Red Jasper





  • Cedarwood
  • Cinnamon
  • Vetiver


HOW TO to use your oil:

  • Massage around your Root Chakra with some massage oil
  • Put a drop on the palm of your hands, rub your hands together until they're warm then put your hands to your face to smell the fragrance of the oil
  • Use an oil burner or diffuser



  • Visualise being surrounded with the colour red, if you have a colour changing light, set it to red and focus on the energy of the red light
  • Visualise being grounded to earth like a tree is grounded by its roots
  • Feel yourself being held, supported and grounded by the earth
  • Take one hand to your heart and then take the other hand and lightly touch the Earth, take 10 slow deep breaths
  • When breathing out, let go of anything that no longer serves you, releasing it through the roots of the tree into the ground
  • As you breath in, imagine drinking all that you need to nourish strengthen and support you



I am safe

I am secure

My needs are met

I have deep roots

I am grounded

I am strong 

I am at home in my body

I have everything I need

The Earth supports and nourishes me

I am adaptable

I belong


References: NIH National Library of Medicine study by K M Sweta.   Dirish Shaktidas.  Cristi Christensen.  Judy Hall, The Crystal Bible. Adam Barralet, Crystal Connections,,

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All information provided on this website is for educational purposes only. The products listed on and @hiah.bymiah are not intended to diagnose, mitigate, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. offers information that is provided for recreational and personal reference purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional care. 

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