Collection: Blue Tourmaline

Inner-Peace    Spirituality    Truth

Blue Tourmaline, also called commonly called Indicolite, is a very spiritual crystal, developing our spirituality and protecting us from negative entities.  It gently brings up negative feelings, feelings of being a victim,  emotional hurt and sadness, bringing them to the surface, healing them and bringing inner-peace.

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It is believed that Tourmaline is found in so many colours because it travelled along a rainbow and shone in all the rainbow's colours.

Tourmaline is often mistaken for other crystals because of it's many colour variations, it comes in more colours than any other mineral group.  Many stones in the Russian Crown Jewels from the 17th century were thought to be rubies but are actually Tourmalines. Well formed tourmaline specimens with beautiful colours and crystal forms can sell for thousands of dollars, generally Blue Tourmaline is the most expensive of Touramlines.

In the early 18th century, Tourmaline would be grouped together in mail parcels in Sri Lanka and exported to Europe.  Tourmaline comes from the Sri Lankan words aura Mali, meaning "unknown gemstones of mixed colours".

Tourmaline was known as the gem of sensitive poets and creative artists.  Shakespeare even had a collection of Tourmaline jewellery to help him overcome writer's block.  Tourmaline was believed to inspire creativity and was used as a talisman by artists and writers from the Renaissance and through the Victorian Age.

Tourmaline has been used in sonar apparatus and other devices to detect and measure pressure.  Because of it's elective capabilities, the demand of Tourmaline increased in WW!! for the production of pressure sensitive gauges for submarine sonar instruments and other war equipment.



  • Heals our emotions, balances our left and right brain
  • Gently brings up negative feelings, feelings of being a victim,  emotional hurt and sadness, bringing them to the surface, healing them and bringing inner-peace
  • Heals inner chaos and dread, helping us deal with fear, panic attacks
  • Increases our self-awareness and confidence
  • Helps us to be more tolerant
  • Helps us understand ourself and others
  • Brings inspiration


  • Forms a protective shield around our body, a great crystal for Healers as it prevents negativity from sticking
  • Helps us understand the cause of disease
  • Cleanses and purifies and transforms dense energy into a higher vibration
  • Attracts peace
  • Stimulates an urge for spiritual understanding and connection
  • Connects us to spiritual wisdom, love and compassion
  • Connects us to Devic Spirit (Nature Spirit that rule over and live in mountains, trees and rivers)
  • Teaches us to live in harmony with nature
  • Increases psychic awareness and visions
  • Encourages a love of truth and ethical behaviour
  • Shows us the cause of problems and leads us to a solution


Blue Tourmaline may be helpful for:

  • Paranoia
  • Dyslexia, Speech Impediments 
  • Hand-eye coordination 
  • Releasing tension
  • Removes energy blockages causing physical and emotional problems
  • Pulmonary System
  • Immune System, Bacteria Infection
  • Kidney Bladder, Thymus, Thyroid, Sore Throats, Sinusitis, Larynx,
  • Use as an elixir for Eyes and Brain
  • Fluid imbalances
  • Insomnia
  • Night sweats


COLOUR:  Blue Tourmaline is formed from the presence of Iron or Copper 

CRYSTAL FAMILY:    Tourmaline

COMPOSITION:   occurs as an accessory mineral in igneous and metamorphic rocks.  The most spectacular tourmaline crystals are formed by hydrothermal activity. These crystals form when hot waters and vapors carry the elements needed to form tourmaline into pockets, voids, and fractures, which offer an open space for crystal growth. The tourmaline crystals formed in these cavities range in size from tiny millimeter crystals to massive prisms weighing over 100 kilograms.



HARDNESS:   7 on the Mohs scale

ORIGIN:   North and South America, China, Brazil, Pakistan, Australia, Italy


CHAKRA:  Third Eye and Throat Chakra's, clears and balances all chakra's 




PLANETS:   Coming soon

CLEANSING:  Our favourite way to cleanse Blue Tourmaline is in a rainbow.  We sit ours on rainbows made from crystals hanging in our window!  Water is the next best option, Tourmaline cleanses quickly so it would be very happy to be rinsed in some calming moon water.

CARE:  Protect from harder crystals or anything that might rub against to it as it's easily scratched and, or shattered.  Avoid temperature changes that can cause Tourmaline to fracture (don't leave it in a hot car or near a heater).  Tourmaline is brittle so never put in an ultrasonic cleaner.

Adam Barralet - Crystal Connections, Judy Hall - The Crystal Bible,

All information provided on this website is for interest and is not intended as medical advice. The products listed on and @hiah.bymiah are not intended to diagnose, mitigate, treat, cure, or prevent any disease . It is not intended as medical advice, for diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions always see your medical professional.

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