Collection: Crackle Quartz

Pure Love  •  Hope  •  Intuition  •  Healing

Crackle Quartz, also known as Cracked Quartz, is Clear Quartz that has been heated and cooled quickly to form cracks, it transfers energy in all directions.  Crackle Quartz will often contain rainbows.  Rainbows bring love in it's purest form, take away negativity and diffuse healing energy to us and our environment.  They're a sign of joy and happiness, sent to reassure us and can help alleviate depression.

We love this example of stress / something broken on the inside, has created something so beautiful and magical, and might we add, very sought after!  We hope this is a reminder, that next time something stressful comes your way, that you can hold onto your crystal that has a rainbow in it, and be reminded that out of the stress and pain, there is a rainbow building within us, there will be good things to come ♡

Clear Quartz, also known as Quartz, Rock Crystal and Crystal Quartz, is known as Universal Crystal, or The Master Healer Crystal.  It takes our energy to the most perfect state possible, cleansing and enhancing it to a state before any disease set in​.  It stimulates our immune system and brings our body back into balance, making this a crystal that can be used for any condition.

Clear Quartz is a highly spiritual crystal, storing information like a natural computer, a spiritual library waiting to be accessed.  It raises our spiritual energy to its highest possible level​, strengthening our  spiritual connections, communication and abilities and shows us our spiritual purpose.

As Clear Quartz amplifies other crystals this is a perfect crystal to start anyone on their crystal journey.  Not only does it bring healing and open our spirituality but it will increase the energy of any other crystals that it sits with.  

click to read more about Clear Quartz and to view our range of Clear Quartz Crystals and Jewellery


All information provided on this website is for interest and is not intended as medical advice. The products listed on and @hiah.bymiah are not intended to diagnose, mitigate, treat, cure, or prevent any disease . It is not intended as medical advice, for diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions always see your medical professional. 

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#CrackleQuartz #CrackleQuartzAucklandNZ #CrystalHealing, #emotionalproperties meaning energy healing, physical properties meaning energy healing, spiritual properties meaning energy healing, metaphysical  #AucklandCrystals, #NewZealandCrystals, NZ Crystals, Crystals at Morris and James, Matakana Crystals and Jewellery, Warkworth Crystals and Jewellery