Collection: Rose Quartz

Love   •    Nurturing  •  Emotional Healing  •    Peace  

Rose Quartz is the crystal of unconditional love and infinite peace; it’s also known as Pink Quartz or Hyaline Quartz.  It’s one of the most popular and one of the most loving crystals, it soothes and nurtures, brings comfort and calm. Rose Quartz is the crystal most people turn to when wanting to attract unconditional love, whether that be divine love from the spiritual realms, or loving friendships or relationships.  Most importantly it can help us love ourselves.  

Scroll to the bottom to view our range of Rose Quartz crystals and jewellery  ♡



Rose Quartz was first found in 7000 BC in Mesopotamia, (Iraq).  In 800-600 BC it was carved to make jewellery by both the Romans and the Assyrians. Ancient Romans, Egyptians and Greeks believed it to have the magical powers of quartz and used it as talismans.  Romans also used it as a seal to signify ownership and Egyptians believed it could prevent ageing. 

In the Middle Ages, medical practitioners used Rose Quartz in healing potions and early Americans used it as a Love Stone, also believing it would balance emotions and heal anger and disappointment. 

It is said that Cupid and Eros brought Rose Quartz to earth in hope that its colour would arouse love and desire.

Another legend says that  Ares (the God of War), was jealous of Aphrodite’s love for Adonis (the God of Beauty and Desire) and turned himself into a wild boar.  Ares attacked Adonis, as Aphrodite rushed to save Adonis she caught herself on a briar bush, her blood spilt on white quartz staining it pink. 

An Egyptian goddess Isis searched for river-tumbled rose quartz to use on her face. She would rub the stones over her cheeks and around her eyes because she found this helped keep and restore her beauty.





  • Soothes and nurtures, and reassures, brings comfort and calm.  A useful crystal in times of trauma or crisis
  • Purifies and heals our heart, bringing deep emotional healing and self-love
  • Opens our heart to accept love
  • Releases heartache, unexpressed emotions and conditioning
  • Helps us to forgive and love ourselves and other
  • Increases empathy
  • Helps us accept change
  • Comforts and nurtures us at times of grief



  • Attracts unconditional, universal love, loving friendships and loving romantic relationships
  • Draws off negative energy, replacing it with love and bringing  infinite peace



Rose Quartz is famous for enhancing beauty.  Either by massaging a piece on our skin (Gua Sha’s are especially good for this), or using as an elixir.

It may also be helpful for:

  • Heart and circulation 
  • Releasing impurities
  • Vertigo
  • Fertility
  • Chest and lungs
  • Alzheimer’s
  • Parkinson's
  • Dementia


APPEARANCE:  Translucent pale pink to a dark rose pink, depending on levels of titanium, iron or manganese present.  


  • Star Rose Quartz, formed by microscopic needle-shaped titanium or rutile inclusions within the stone's crystal that reflect light causing asterism 
  • Lavender Rose Quartz, is a pale purple colour due to the presence of titanium or manganese 

COMPOSITION:  Silicon and oxygen, at between 400°C – 700 °C 


HARDNESS:  7 on the Mohs scale
ORIGIN:  Australia, Brazil, Germany, India, Japan,Madagascar, South Africa, Sweden and USA


CHAKRA:  Heart Chakra, located in the centre of our chest


ZODIAC:  Capricorn, Taurus, Cancer


PLANET:  Venus, the planet of love, romance and beauty

CLEANSING:  Our favourite way to cleanse Rose Quartz is with running water


REFERENCES:  Adam Barralet - Crystal Connections -,  Judy Hall – The Crystal Bible,,,,

All information provided on this website is for educational purposes only. The products listed on and @hiah.bymiah are not intended to diagnose, mitigate, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. offers information that is provided for recreational and personal reference purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional care. 

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