Collection: Sacral Chakra


        Svadhisthana Chakra

   I am Confident, I am Creative

PURPOSE: Our Sacral Chakra is our second Chakra.  It governs our reproductive system, creativity and emotions.

PHYSICAL RESPONSIBILITY:   Reproductive system, lower back and kidneys

EMOTIONAL RESPONSIBILITY:  Emotional stability, confidence, pleasure

LOCATION: Approximately four finger breadths below our navel

CORRESPONDING COLOUR:  Orange is the predominant colour for our Sacral Chakra, but reds also support this Chakra

SANSKRIT NAME: Svadhisthana the  "dwelling place of the self”

ALSO CALLED:  The Sex Chakra

REPRESENTED BY:  Six petalled lotus flower. The circles and moon represent the circle of life.  The six petals prepresent the six negative aspects of our nature that we need to overcome to bring balance to our mind, body and soul





Our Sacral Chakra is the second chakra as we move up our spine.  It corresponds to the Sacral spinal ganglion that sit along our spine.  It relates to our ability to receive joy and pleasure and effects how creative we're able to be. 

Our Sacral Chakra governs our creativity, how we feel, our sexuality and the ability to let go and allow change to happen.

When our Sacral Chakra is balanced, we are confident in our bodies, have creative ideas, a healthy sex drive, we feel connected with others and are able to embrace change.

When we focus on our Sacral Chakra, emotions can come up.  If this feels overwhelming wait until you can get support or professional help to do further work on this chakra.   



Signs that you may have an under-active Sacral Chakra:


  • Lack of motivation
  • Feeling lost
  • Loneliness
  • Feeling strongly that we have to look after everyone else and put ourself last
  • Always looking forward to getting something, or something happening to make us feel happy
  • Detached or isolated from our family and friends 
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Emotional instability 
  • Addictions 
  • Fearful of change
  • Low Libido
  • Lack of creativity 
  • Lacking confidence in your body
  • Low self-esteem
  • Lack of pleasure
  • Ashamed of our sensuality 
  • Letting actions of your mother or father effect you
  • Confused
  • Jealous



Physical symptoms that may be caused by an out of balance Sacral Chakra are: 

  • Arthritus
  • Kidney, bladder or spleen problems 
  • Urinary tract infections
  • Impotency
  • Lower back pain or problems
  • Issues with our Reproductive Organs 
  • PMS
  • Genital or sexual problems 
  • Hip issues 
  • Anemia 
  • Joint problems 
  • Low energy 
  • Depression



Signs that you may have an over-active Sacral Chakra:

  • Feeling consumed by your emotions, as if drowning in them
  • Over-sharing 
  • Experiencing extreme emotional highs and lows
  • Using escapism to avoid life
  • Rely too much on other people or things for fulfilment and pleasure
  • Addictions
  • Neediness 
  • Over-stepping boundaries
  • Engaging in inappropriate expressions of sexuality
  • Frequent nightmares



Signs that your Sacral Chakra is balanced:

  • Creative ideas
  • Embraces change
  • Has strong relationships with friends and family
  • Appropriately assertive
  • Balanced emotions
  • Healthy sex drive
  • Embraces our sexuality
  • Embraces the flow of life
  • Comfortable in our body
  • Satisfied living in the moment
  • Feelings of wellness, abundance, pleasure, and joy


  • Yoga
  • Play, doing anything that you find fun
  • Dance 
  • Sound (key D)
  • Meditation
  • Crystals



As a general rule ORANGE or RED crystals associate with your Sacral Chakra


Carrying your crystals in your pockets is a great way to "wear" them closest to your Sacral Chakra.  

You can also lay down and place them on your Sacral Chakra for roughly 15 minutes.  Try listening to music with the note D, or search "music for your Sacral Chakra on YouTube.  As the music play imagine the orange energy from your crystal penetrating your Sacral Chakra, that area thats four fingers down from your tummy Botton

 Crystal Nurturing a Balanced Sacral Chakra. Balance Over-Active Under-Active

Fire Agate

Fire Quartz
Orange Aventurine

Orange Calcite
Orange Selenite

Peach Moonstone

Red Jasper

Sunset Aura Quartz




  • Grapefruit
  • Wild orange
  • Sandalwood 


HOW TO to use your oil:

  • Try a couple of drops of Grapefruit or Orange therapeutic grade pure essential oil in a glass of water in the morning
  • Massage around your Sacral Chakra with some massage oil
  • Put a drop on the palm of your hands, rub your hands together until they're warm then put your hands to your face to smell the fragrance of the oil
  • Use an oil burner or diffuser



  • Visualise being surrounded with the colour orange, if you have a colour changing light, set it to orange and focus on the energy of the orange light
  • Visualise yourself being childlike, skipping happily with friends through a field of long grass, chasing butterflies
  • Laugh out loud until you are actually laughing
  • When breathing out, let go of anything that no longer serves you
  • As you breath in, smile and think about something that makes you happy



I am confident

I am creative

I trust my feelings

I trust myself

It is safe to express my sexuality

I am passionate

My creativity flows freely

I have fun 

I have boundaries that protect me

I am fulfilled in my passions

I embrace change  

My emotions are in balance



  • Seated pelvic circles: Sit cross-legged or in lotus pose with your hands on your knee.  Make six circles with your torso in one direction then switch to do six more in the opposite direction
  • Butterfly pose with forward fold: In a seated position, bring the bottoms of your feet together. Let your knees drop to the sides and bring your heels in close to your pelvis. Lengthen the torso and fold forward.
  • Cobra pose: Lie on your stomach with your feet flat on the floor. Place your hands under your shoulders and slowly lift your head, chest, and abdomen while keeping your naval on the floor. Be sure to press down through the pubic bone toward the mat.


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Crystal Healing, emotional properties meaning energy healing, physical properties meaning energy healing, spiritual properties meaning energy healing, metaphysical