Collection: Chevron Amethyst

Intuition  •   Wisdom  •  Calm  

Chevron Amethyst, also called Banded Amethyst, Dream Amethyst or Dog Tooth Amethyst, is a combination crystal formed when Amethyst and White Quartz form together in a v-shaped banding.  Smokey Quartz is also frequently, formed within the bands.  

The three crystals within Chevron Amethyst all amplify each others properties, making this a power house crystal, raising the vibration and energy or each crystal.  

Chevron Amethyst is one of the best Third Eye stimulators, a spiritual crystal known for increasing spirituality and connecting us with spiritual intuition and wisdom.  It protects against negative energy without blocking our intuition or spiritual connections.  Chevron Amethyst helps us make good decisions and shows us a positive answer to any problem.  The combination of Amethyst and Smokey Quartz, amplified by the White Quartz makes this an extremely calming crystal.  The v'shaped banding helps with decision making, processing information, it also balances us spiritually, emotionally and physically.  

Scroll to the bottom to choose your special piece of Chevron Amethyst  ♡


When Amethyst and Clear-White Quartz grow in "V" patterned banding it's called Chevron Amethyst, it often has Smokey Quartz within it as well which makes this an even higher vibration and more calming that pure Amethyst.  This is an excellent crystal when working with any of the higher chakras.



As this is a combination crystal, this page would become quite long if we listed all of the benefit from all three crystals.  Here are the links to each crystal, where you can view all of the properties and up to date information on them.  When reading about their benefits, consider that each of the qualities will be amplified....


Clear-White Quartz

Smokey Quartz 




PURPLE, varying from very pale to deep purple depending on levels of iron content 

DIAPHANEITY: Transparent to Translucent

LUSTER: Vitreous / glassy


                                        Silicate Minerals
Black Amethyst, Chevron Amethyst, Pink AmethystPurple Amethyst



CRYSTAL HABIT:  6-sided prism ending in 6-sided pyramid


HARDNESS:  7 on the Mohs scale

ORIGIN:  Brazil, India, Russia



CHAKRA:  Etheric, Higher Crown, Crown and Third Eye Chakra's.  One of the best crystals for stimulating our Third Eye




PLANET:  Jupiter and Neptune 

CLEANSING:  Our favourite way to cleanse Chevron Amethyst is with natural running water

CARE:  Avoid direct sunlight, UV light and heat, all of which can cause the purple colour of Amethyst to fade




Judy Hall – The Crystal Bible,, 

All information provided on this website is for educational purposes only. The products listed on and @hiah.bymiah are not intended to diagnose, mitigate, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. offers information that is provided for recreational and personal reference purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional care. 

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