Collection: New Jade

Angelic Guidance  •   Past Life Recall  •  Tranquility

New Jade the name given to a yellow to light green coloured, translucent mineral in the Serpentine group, it is also sometimes called the Infinite Stone, Olive Serpentine, Yellow Bowenite or Retinalite.  

New Jade is a lovely stone for when we're feeling down or are stuck in a situation that we can't find a way out of.  It's a gentle, nurturing crystal that brings us guidance from the Angelic realms, fills us with tranquility, and surrounds us with serenity and purity.  

New Jade has strong connections with past lives, aiding in past life recall, and it can clear negative experiences that happened in previous lifetimes.  

Scroll to the bottom to choose your special piece of New Jade  ♡


New Jade is a confusing crystal.  The only difference between New Jade (a yellow-light green coloured Bowenite), Nephrite and Jadeite, is their specific gravity.  As we don't have a laboratory and the tools to measure the gravity of each crystal, we make the best decision we can about New Jade pieces based on the information we have, our experience, and the experience of the wholesalers we work with.  However the properties of all three are very similar.   

Antigorite, a species of Serpentine, was named after the type locality, the Italian Valle di Antigorite, in the Piemont.

Bowenite, a variety of Antigorite, was named in 1850 by James Dwight Dana, the famed geologist, mineralogist and taxonomist, after George Thomas Bowen, a chemist and mineralogist at the University of Nashville, Tennessee.  Bowenite from New Zealand is traded under the name of Tangiwai.

Yellow - light green coloured Bownite is also called Retinalite or New Jade.  


  • Brings us love​
  • Calms, nurtures and soothes 
  • Fills us feelings of tranquillity especially when we are feeling down or are stuck in a situation we can't see a way out of
  • Soothes our mind, releasing negative or depressive thoughts and irritability​


  • Attracts Angelic guidance
  • Aids past life experiences
  • During past life experiences New Jade can help heal traumatic experienced that happened to us during that time and can clear emotional baggage that we have bought into this life time
  • Attracts good luck, love and friendships


New Jade may be helpful for:

  • Depression
  • Pain, especially menstrual or muscular


  • -



COLOURS:  Yellow to light green

DIAPHANEITY:  Translucent

LUSTER:  Waxy or Greasy

CRYSTAL FAMILY:    Magnesium Hydroxyl Silicate - Serpentine - New Jade

FORMATION:   Serpentine's form due to the alteration of basic and ultrabasic rocks.

CRYSTAL SYSTEM:   Monoclinic


HARDNESS:   5 - 6  on the Mohs scale

ORIGIN:   Brazil, Canada, China, India, Mexico, Peru, Russia, UK


CHAKRA:  Crown and Heart Chakra 


ZODIAC:  Gemini



CLEANSING:  Our favourite way to cleanse New Jade is  -

CARE:  As a relatively soft mineral, New Jade should be protected from:
🧴 Cleaners - abrasive or chemical
🔥💦 Boiling Water
✂️ Sharp objects
〰️ Ultrasonic cleaners

ESSENTIAL OIL:  Our favourite essential oil to diffuse while using New Jade is -


* ☠️ Maybe poisonous if inhaled or swallowed.  New Jade is part of the Serpentine mineral group which is a source of asbestos.  New Jade doesn't contain the white asbestos fibres found in Chrysotile and is a much harder mineral.  However, to be cautions we recommend not carving this mineral or using it as an elixir 

Adam Barralet –, ,  Judy Hall – The Crystal Bible,,,,

All information provided on this website is for educational purposes only. The products listed on and @hiah.bymiah are not intended to diagnose, mitigate, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. offers information that is provided for recreational and personal reference purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional care. 

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Thankyou so much for taking the time to read this, we appreciate your support, Miah and Erica . ⊹  ♡ 。⋆