Collection: Silver Sheen Obsidian

Protection  •  Patience  •  Perseverance • Empowering

Silver Sheen, or Silvesheen Obsidian is a form of volcanic glass that has trapped tiny gas bubbles as its formed creating its Silver Sheen.  Silver Sheen Obsidian has the same properties as Black Obsidian but it's Silver Sheen makes this a more gentle form of Black Obsidian.  Its protective, especially against violence, anger and aggression and releases emotions less aggressively than Black Obsidian.  

Silver Sheen  has a unique energy of fiery and lunar properties. It's helpful for meditation and out of body experiences.  It is empowering, especially for women and also brings us patience and perseverance. 

Scroll to the bottom to choose your special piece of Silver Sheen Obsidian  ♡


  • Obsidian is strong and powerful and can be too powerful a crystal for some.  It will rush buried emotions and trauma to the surface.  This is an amazing opportunity to work through those suppressed emotions but the speed in which Obsidian can do this can also be extremely emotional and so we recommend having support if you would like to work with Obsidian in this way 
  • Releases emotions, situations or people.  Obsidian allows anything that we're holding on to within to be released. Its razor sharp edges allows us to cut ties to past emotional trauma or anything that we're holding on to that doesn't serve our higher self. Close your eyes and see the tie or bond between you and the person or situation, imagine it as a cord between you and them/it, then when you're ready take your obsidian arrowhead and cut the cord, the bond or tie and let it go
  • Draws out the source of stress and tension, bringing healing once it's been dealt with
  • Grounds us
  • Brings us strength in times of need, especially helpful for sensitive people
  • Increases our personal power and inner-strength
  • Reduces shyness
  • Brings clarity


  • Protection against fiery situations, anger, abuse, violence, road rage, (hang an arrow on your door downwards when no obvious danger or upwards for increased protection)
  • Given its sharpness, it is considered to pierce into darkness to reveal the truth and cut emotional attachments or ancestral curses
  • Extremely effective at soaking up negative energies and protecting against negative entities (needs regular cleansing)
  • Removes energy blocks vitalising our soul purpose
  • Useful for scrying


Obsidan may be helpful for:

  • Tension
  • Stress
  • Pain (arthritis, joint problems, injuries, cramps)
  • Shock


  • Large pieces of Obsidian can soak up environmental pollution and blocking geopathic stress


Appearance and Variations

APACHE TEARS: Small pebbles of Obsidian formed when small balls of molten lava are thrown up into the air then cool and solidify before hitting the ground.

BLACK OBSIDIAN: The most common form of Obsidian

BLUE OBSIDIAN:  While Blue Obsidian is a form of naturally occurring volcanic glass it's extremely rare and expensive and would only be found in a highly specialised specimen store.  Blue Obsidian sold by retailers, including us, is a manufactured glass.

MAHOGANY OBSIDIAN:  Black with Dark Red - Brown formed by Hematite inclusions.  

SNOWFLAKE OBSIDIAN:   White blotchy or snowflake patterns are formed by inclusions of the mineral Cristobalite.

SILVERSHEEN or GOLDSHEEN Obsidian:  Formed by including of tiny gas bubbles from the lava flow.  

RAINBOW OBSIDIAN:  Rainbow colouring seen when sun or artificial light is shone on the Obsidian.  The rainbow-like sheen is formed by nano rods of Hebenbergite.  

DIAPHANEITY:  Translucent

CRYSTAL FAMILY:   Volcanic Glass

FORMATION:   Obsidian is a natural occurring volcanic glass formed when lava rich in feldspar and quartz cool too rapidly for crystals to form.  It's often found on the margin of lava flows, known as obsidian flows.  



HARDNESS:   5 - 5.5 on the Mohs scale

ORIGIN:   Worldwide    


CHAKRA:  Root Chakra

BIRTHSTONE:  Scorpio Sagittarius 



 Saturn, Pluto

CLEANSING:  Our favourite way to cleanse Obsidian is to place it on the earth close to a volcano, which is easy to do here in NZ.  Alternatively run it through a candle flame, sit close to an open fire.  As with all black crystals, cleanse your Obsidian regularly to release low vibrational energy it absorbs

CARE:  While Obsidian isn't the hardest of crystals it is razor sharp, take care not to cut yourself. 


Adam Barralet –, ,  Judy Hall – The Crystal Bible,,,

All information provided on this website is for educational purposes only. The products listed on and @hiah.bymiah are not intended to diagnose, mitigate, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. offers information that is provided for recreational and personal reference purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional care. 

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