Collection: Pyrite

Success  •  Structure  •  Confidence  •  Problem Solving

Pyrite, also called Iron Pyrite, or Fools Gold,  is a Crystal of Abundance and Success, attracting what our heart desires, particularly wealth, and acts as an energy shield blocking out negative energy and pollutants.  It's cubic or octagonal formation removes chaos from our lives, helping us find structure to get our life into order and to think logically.  It helps us understand and process information and ideas, and shows us how to action them.  Pyrite allows us to see how everything is already perfect and evolving as it should be.

* DO NOT get Pyrite wet the sulphur in pyrite reacts with water eventually forming sulphuric acid

Scroll to the bottom to choose your special piece of Pyrite  ♡


Pyrite was first recorded in 50 A.D. by Dioscorades.  It was named after the Greek word “pyro” meaning “fire”, because of the sparks created by striking two pieces together. In the 16th and 17th Centuries it was used as a source of ignition in firearms. The Kaurna people of Australia traditionally used Pyrite with Flintstone and tinder to start fires. 

Pyrite was a common crystal to be worn during the Greek and Roman Empires. Archeologists have discovered amulets, rings, lockets, pins and earrings that are made from this gemstone.

Pyrite was a popular meditation and ceremonial crystal for Native American Indians who believed Pyrite to have immense healing and magical powers.

In more recent times Pyrite has been used in Radio receivers,  lithium batteries and solar cells. 



  • Removes chaos from our lives, helping us find structure to get our life into order and to think logically 
  • Helps us understand and process information and ideas, and shows us how to action them
  • Increases mental alertness, helping us learn, and improving our memory and intelligence
  • Increases our intuition and instinct
  • Improves work life balance
  • Helps us make the best decisions and solve problems
  • Helps us see the positive in situations
  • Increases our emotional stability
  • Releases feelings of inadequacy and improves our confidence 
  • Makes us aware of our abilities and potential
  • Relieves anxiety and frustration
  • Allows us to see how everything is already perfect and evolving as it should be


  • Grounds us
  • Attracts wealth and abundance (try grids of 5 pieces) 
  • Creates a shield to block negative energy 


Pyrite is believed to be helpful for:

  • Rebuilding our body when it's been sick
  • Anxiety
  • Memory
  • Sickness and disease (wear over Solar Plexus) 
  • Lack of energy / lethargy (wear over Solar Plexus)
  • Fractures and bones
  • DNA damage
  • Increasing blood flow to the brain
  • Oxygen supply to blood
  • Strengthens circulatory and respiratory system
  • Asthma, bronchitis
  • Fatigue
  • Karmic or psychosomatic disease


  • Negative energy and pollutants



  • Teams
  • Mathematic work
  • Healthcare professionals



Chalcopyrite is a Copper Pyrite with the chemical formula CuFeS2 and crystallises in the tertragonal (3 axes at right angles, two of the equal) system.

Marcasite is often confused with Pyrite, it has a similar appearance, the same properties and chemical composition but crystallises in a orthorhombic (unequal axis at right angles) system, whereas Pyrite crystallises in a isometric (equal dimensions) system. 

COLOURS:  Brass Yellow


LUSTER:  Metalic 

CRYSTAL FAMILY:   Minerals - Sulfide Mineral - Iron Sulfide - Pyrite - Iron, or Copper Pyrite 

FORMATION:   Common in many rock types, igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary.  Pyrite is often formed with other crystals such as lapis lazuli.  Pyrite often replaces organic materials such as plant debris and shells to create interesting pyrite fossils.

CRYSTAL SYSTEM:  Cubes, octahedrons, framboids or pyritohedrons


HARDNESS:   6 - 6.5  on the Mohs scale

ORIGIN:   Australia, Chile, Peru, UK, USA  



CHAKRA:  Solar Plexus Chakra





CLEANSING:  Our favourite way to cleanse Pyrite is in sunrise or sunset

CARE:  -
🧴 Cleaners - abrasive or chemical
✂️ Sharp objects
〰️ Ultrasonic cleaners
💦 Water -  DO NOT get Pyrite wet avoid submerging or soaking the sulphur in pyrite reacts with water eventually forming sulphuric acid
🧂 Salt, may damage it's surface

ESSENTIAL OIL:  Our favourite essential oil to diffuse while using Pyrite is Neroli 

Adam Barralet –, ,  Judy Hall – The Crystal Bible,,,

All information provided on this website is for educational purposes only. The products listed on and @hiah.bymiah are not intended to diagnose, mitigate, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. offers information that is provided for recreational and personal reference purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional care. 

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