Chakras are the spiritual energy centres in our body. WHAT ARE CHAKRAS . . . Chakra's are believed to be wheel-like energy fields that effect the balance of energy in our body and so affect our physical, emotional and spiritual health. While there is little scientific research, the Chakra system has been part of many spiritual traditions dating back to 1500 BC. In Sanskrit, the word “chakra” means “disk” or “wheel” and refers to the energy centers in your body. These wheels of spinning energy each correspond to particular nerves, organs and glands.
To function at their best, our chakras need to stay open, or balanced. If they get blocked, you may experience physical or emotional symptoms related to a particular chakra that needs stimulating. Similarly if they are overactive we experience the opposite symptoms, then the chakra needs soothing. When Chakra's are balanced, our mind body and spirit are aligned and working to their optimum, in which case our Chakra's simply need nurturing to keep them that way.
There are seven main chakras that run along our spine, starting at the root (base) of our spine and extend to the crown of your head. Some people believe we have at least 114 different chakras in our body.
The seven chakras that are most commonly known are:
- Sahasrara Chakra
- Located on the crown, top centre of your head
- Violet is the predominant colour for our Crown Chakra, clear and white crystals also support this chakra
- Our Crown Chakra governs our pineal gland, upper brain, hypothalamus and our spiritual understanding. This effects our thoughts, intuition, inner-peace, levels of calm and acceptance
- Blocked by earthly attachments
- Ajna Chakra
- Light
- Located in the centre of your forehead
- Indigo Blue is the predominant colour for our Third Eye Chakra, dark and royal blue, and clear crystals also support this chakra
- Our Third Eye Chakra governs our eyes, pituitary gland and lower brain. This is our psychic centre regulating our ability to receive spiritual, intuitive and telepathic messages, and effects our memory, clarity of thought, insight and wisdom
- Blocked by illusion
- Vishuddha Chakra
- Sound
- Located at the base of our throat
- Blue is the predominant colour for our Throat Chakra, turquoise also support this chakra
- Our Throat Chakra governs our throat, and respiratory system, mount area, thyroid and how we communicate. It regulates honesty, how we listen and express our thoughts. This effects the appropriateness and effectiveness of our communication, how we are understood and how we understand others. It helps us speak, find and discern the truth. The colour blue is pure, soothing and calming, and connects us with angels, our higher-self and divine spirit.
- Blocked by lies
- Anahata Chakra
- Air
- Located in the centre of your breastbone in line with your physical heart
- Green is the predominant colour for our Heart Chakra, pink also supports this chakra
- Our Heart Chakra governs our heart, circulatory and immune system, our ability to be loved and to love ourselves and others. Our Heart Charka regulates our ability to attract love and what our heart and soul needs
- Blocked by grief
- Manipura Chakra
- Fire
- Located in the centre of your torso, approximately four finger widths above your tummy button
- Yellow is the predominant colour for our Solar Plexus, gold and orange also support this chakra
- Our Solar Plexus governs our digestive system, happiness and confidence. It deals with willpower, regulates our self-esteem and personal power adjusting our energetic and spiritual vibration to attract what's needed for our higher-self and to fulfil our souls purpose
- Blocked by shame
- Svadhishthana Chakra
- Water
- Located just below your tummy button
- Orange is the predominant colour for our Sacral Chakra, red also supports this chakra
- Our Sacral Chakra is our pleasure chakra, it governs our reproductive organs, creativity and passion, it regulates our motivation and sex drive
- Blocked by guilt
- Muladhara Chakra
- Earth
- Located at the base of your spine
- Red is the predominant colour for our Root Chakra, but brown, grey and black also support this Chakra
- Our Root Chakra governs our legs, feet, kidneys, bladder and our primal instinct of survival. It effects our sense of being safe and secure. It effects how grounded we feel and how strong our roots are when move through the storms that life brings our way
- Blocked by fear
Click on each of the chakras for more information and to see crystals that are helpful to stimulate, soothe or nurture the Chakra.
Below are products that include crystals for all seven Chakra's.
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All information provided on this website is for educational purposes only. The products listed on and @hiah.bymiah are not intended to diagnose, mitigate, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. offers information that is provided for recreational and personal reference purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional care.
Thankyou so much for taking the time to read this, we appreciate your support, Miah and Erica ⊹ ♡。⋆
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