Collection: Apophyllite

Akashic Records  •  Worry  •  Reiki

"Apophyllite is known as the "Stone par Excellence" for Reiki healing, helping take the patient into a deeper state of relaxation and receptiveness and takes the healer out of the way so that the transmission of divine healing energy is unfiltered and purer" - Judy Hall.  This is a very high vibrational crystal that helps us develop spiritually, Adam Barralet refers to this as "The Crystal of the Clear Journey" as it provides a higher level of cleansing to Selenite, clearing  any negativity energy.  If you are interested in looking into the past or future Apophyllite helps you to access and connect with the Akashic Records.

Scroll to the bottom to view our range of Apophyllite crystals and jewellery  ♡


Apophyllite was discovered in 1806 by R.J. Hauy.  Its name comes from the Greek word apophyllízo, which means 'it flakes off', due to it's tendency to flake when heated.


M E T A P H Y S I C A L   P R O P E R T I E S



  • Helps us to see our mistakes, how to make them right and move on from them
  • Helps us to speak and recognise truth
  • Calms and reduces stress and anxiety
  • Removes mental blocks, negative thought patterns and releases suppressed emotions
  • Helps us make wise decisions
  • Removes worry and fear
  • Brings us contentment and acceptance, increasing our resilience to change and uncertainty 
  • Brings clarity
  • Helps us to keep focused on goals for our higher good
  • Helps us to find our true self



  • Accesses Akashic Records
  • Strengthens our spiritual connections
  • Increases visions, intuition and out of body experiences
  • Useful for scrying and prophecy 
  • Helps us embrace that everything happens for a reason and that we are exactly where we are meant to be
  • Calms and grounds our soul 
  • Heals our soul and helps it feel safe and secure in it's body
  • Cleanses away negative spirits


  • Allergies
  • Anxiety
  • Asthma
  • Eyes
  • General health and wellbeing
  • Respiratory System 
  • Stress


  • -



  • Reiki / Energy Healers




COLOURS:   Clear, white, green, yellowish, pink

DIAPHANEITY:  Transparent to opaque


Silicate mineral


CRYSTAL SYSTEM: Tetragonal   


CRYSTAL HABIT:  Prismatic, tabular, massive


HARDNESS:  4.5 - 5 on the Mohs scale

ORIGIN:   Australia, Brazil, Czech Republic, England, India and Italy


CHAKRA:  Higher Crown, Crown and Third Eye Chakras


ZODIAC:  Gemini, Libra



ESSENTIAL OILS:  White Cypress 

CLEANSING:  Our favourite way to cleanse Apophyllite is putting it under the full moon

CARE:  Apophyllite is a delicate, soft crystals with a high water content, it will flake if heated, protect from:
🧴 Cleaners - abrasive or chemical

🔥 Heat
✂️ Sharp objects
🔆 Direct sunlight 
〰️ Ultrasonic cleaners
💦 Water - avoid submerging or soaking for long periods

The Crystal Bible vol 1, Judy Hall.  The Encyclopaedia of Crystals, Judy Hall.  Adam Barralet - YouTube, Apophyllite

All information provided on this website is for interest and is not intended as medical advice. The products listed on and @hiah.bymiah are not intended to diagnose, mitigate, treat, cure, or prevent any disease . It is not intended as medical advice, for diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions always see your medical professional. 

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 #Apophyllite #ApophylliteNZ #CrystalHealing, #emotionalproperties meaning energy healing, physical properties meaning energy healing, spiritual properties meaning energy healing, metaphysical  #AucklandCrystals, #NewZealandCrystals, NZ Crystals, Matakana Crystals, Warkworth Crystals