Collection: Lemurian Seed Quartz

Intuition  •  Wisdom  •  Healing

Lemurian Seed Quartz, or Lemurian Seed Crystals are a special variety of Clear Quartz.  

Lemurian crystals are known as master healers and are thought to hold messages from the lost continent of Lemuria.  Lemuria is a lost land which was believed to have sunken in the Indian Ocean over 20,000 years ago.  Lemurians were an ancient civilization with a supreme consciousness that centered upon the emotional and spritual dimentions holding their strong telepathic powers and spirituality.  It is believed that when they foresaw their land ending they seeded the world with special crystals containing their knowledge in order to accelerate the return to the next cycle of civilisation.

Lemurian crystals are identifiable by the presence of horizontal striations, or ridges, running along their length which can be "read" by running a finger nail along them, similar to reading Braille.

CHAKRA: Crown Chakra, Soul Star Chakra

CLEANSE:  Our favourite way to cleans Lemurian Seed Quartz is placing it on fertile soil or outside in the wind.  

CRYSTAL FAMILY:  Silicone Dioxide

HARDNESS:  7 on the Mohs scale

LOCATION:  Diamantina, Brazil


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Thankyou so much for taking the time to read this, we appreciate your support, Miah and Erica ⊹ ♡。⋆

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