Collection: Sodalite

Communication • Group Work • Overthinking • Logical Thinking • Fear

Sodalite, also called Alomite, Canadian Blue Stone, Canadian Lapis, Glauconite or Princess Blue, is a crystal that's perfect for group situations, helps us to communicate clearly and encourages good relationships​.  It's also a crystal for guidance, combining logic with intuition, a great crystals for decision making and leadership.  Sodalites ability to calm and enhance rational thought is helpful for anyone who's oversensitive, overwhelmed or an overthinking.  

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Sodalite crystals and jewellery ♡

Sodalite has been traced back to the Caral People (2600-2000 B.C.) near Lima where it was traded.  It was first documented in 1811 by Europeans in Greenland and got its name from its Sodium content. 

Canadians found Sodalite in Ontario, in 1891 during a visit from the British Royal Family and nicknamed Sodalite "Princess Blue".




  • Helps organise our thoughts
  • Increases our logical and rational thinking 
  • Helps memory and focus, increases efficiency ​
  • Helps us to achieve goals
  • Calms overactive minds, oversensitivity, confusion, mental overload, mental fog and overwhelm ​
  • Reduces chaos and helps us get our thoughts in order
  • Alleviates fear and calms panic attacks  ​
  • Encourages us to be honest, and to trust ourselves and others ​
  • Helps us to express our feelings and communicate clearly ​
  • Helps us to be comfortable as our true selves and stand up for ourselves
  • Helps us shed limiting thought patterns and rigid beliefs 
  • Brings harmony to groups and encourages us to work together for a higher good and common goal rather than being competitive 
  • Reduces fear of flying



  • Increases our intuition 
  • Protects sacred knowledge
  • Associated with St Anne, Jesus' grandmother 


Sodalite is believed to be helpful for:

  • Blood pressure - lowering high blood pressure
  • Brain fog
  • Calcium deficiency
  • Insomnia
  • Memory and focus
  • Nervous system
  • Panic attacks  ​
  • Penal gland
  • Pituitary gland
  • Throat problems 


  • Protects from EMF
  • Sick building syndrome 


When asked for a crystal to have in the office, Sodalite is the first crystal that we would most recommend.  It pretty much does everything a workplace needs; clears electromagnetic pollution from computers, sheds thinking that holds people back, encourages harmony and people working together, enhances communication, strengthens logic and intuition and increases efficiency.  This is a great one to sit on desks, meeting tables or gridding in your office. 

Sodalite is also really helpful for anyone who suffers from over sensitivity, over thinking and overwhelm, helping us see logic and calming our nervous system.   It's also recommended for ADHD. 

Sodalite is also useful for older people and is sacred to St Anne, who is Jesus's grandmother.  It helps us get structure in our life and stops us from being fearful of the unknown. 





BLUE: Most commonly royal-blue or violet-blue with white inclusions and fluoresces orange under ultraviolet light.  May contain streaks of orange known as Sunset Sodalite

GREY:  Grey Sodalite is called YOOPERLITE and sometimes known as "Fluorescent Sodalite" due to it's strong flourescent orange glow under UV light.  The fluorence is due to a disulfide ion with a negative charge

VIOLET variety of Sodalite is called Hackmanite, which displays tenebrescence, becoming deeper and richer in colour after UV exposure which fades to greyish or greenish white over time

YELLOW and GREEN are less common forms of Sodalite


DIAPHANEITY: Transparent, Translucent

LUSTRE: Vitreous, Greasy



 Silicate Mineral
Lazurite, Sodalite


FORMATION:   Found in igneous rocks that crystallised from sodium-rich magmas



CRYSTAL HABIT:  Massive. Rare transparent crystals have been found in Namibia and Italy

HARDNESS:   5.5 - 6 on the Mohs scale

ORIGIN:   Afghanistan, Brazil, Canada, Greenland, Russia, USA


CHAKRA:  Third Eye, Throat Chakra


ZODIAC: Sagittarius




ESSENTIAL OIL:  Rosalina (calming and focus)

CLEANSING:  Our favourite way to cleanse Sodalite is in the air, try putting it outside on a windy day or cleanse with incense or smudge sticks

CARE:  Sodalite is reasonably durable but as a softer stone can easily be scratched, avoid:
🧴 Cleaners - abrasive or chemical
✂️ Sharp objects

Adam Barralet –, ,  Judy Hall – The Crystal Bible,  The Encyclopaedia of Crystals - Judy Hall.  Wikipedia.  Geology .com, Mindat .com. 

All information provided on this website is for educational purposes only. The products listed on and @hiah.bymiah are not intended to diagnose, mitigate, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. offers information that is provided for recreational and personal reference purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional care. 

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