Collection: Moldavite

Spiritual Growth • Spiritual Connections • Transformation • Higher-Purpose

Moldavite is a forest green, gravel sized tektite glass formed by a meteorite impact in Germany 15 million years ago.  This is a highly spiritual, highly transformational crystal dating back to Neolithic times.  It is well known for raising our spiritual vibration, helping us reach a stage of enlightenment, and increasing all forms of spiritual abilities and connections.   Even more powerful than Malachite, be ready for Moldavite, it will pick us up and put us on the path for our higher-purpose.

Scroll to the bottom to choose your special piece of Moldavite  ♡


Moldavite is a forest green, gravel sized tektite glass formed by a meteorite impact in Germany that occurred 15 million years ago.  The impact of the meteorite melted material and launched it into the air which cooled and solidified it.  In 1900, Franz Suess attributed Moldavites highly textured pitting and wrinkled surface  to pervasive etching by naturally occurring CO2 and humic acids present in groundwater.

Moldavite was first named "Chrysolites" when it was introduced to scientists in 1786.   The name Moldavite was first used in 1836 after the Moldau river in Czech Republic where the first pieces where discovered.  

It's been used since the Stone Age as a talisman.  Many people believe it came to our planet to aid earths transition and healing and that now is the time to use Moldavites energies wisely.  

The energy of Moldavite is so powerful that holding Moldavite can feel overwhelming, it can cause nausea, dizziness and a feeling of warm energy going through your body.  This is so common it's known as "The Moldavite Flush", this is believed to be the change in energy within us causing transformation, or major shifts in life.  If this happens to you try using it with a strong grounding stone like Black Tourmaline, or gradually building up to using it for longer amounts of time to allow your energy to balance with your piece of Moldavite.


  • Increases empathy and compassion
  • Inspiring
  • Releases fixed ideas that are not in line with our higher-purpose
  • Helps us to fall back in love with life
  • Brings emotional strength



  • Accelerates spiritual growth, raises our spiritual vibration and consciousness, takes us into the highest spiritual dimensions, and facilitates the ascension process.  Try raising it to the light and gaze into it
  • Opens our crown chakra for highest spiritual guidance
  • Opens communication with our higher-self
  • Opens communication with ascended masters, cosmic messengers and extraterrestrials 
  • Connects us with information from the Akashic Records
  • Causes occurrences that puts us on path for our higher-purpose
  • Raises the vibration of other crystals


Moldavite may be helpful for:

  • Overall health
  • Strengthening our physical body


  • Healing the earth



Mossy green coloured, with swirls and bubbles. Moldavites can be distinguished from most green glass imitations by their worm-like schlieren (seen under high quality microscopes). 

COLOURS:  Moss, deep forest, olive green

DIAPHANEITY: Transparent to translucent (translucent is higher quality)

CRYSTAL FAMILY:   Rock - Metamorphic Rock - Impactite - Single Impact Impactite - Impact Melt Rock - Tektite - Moldavite

FORMATION:   Formed from meteorite impact in Germany 15 million years ago.  The impact of the meteorite melted material and launched it into the air which cooled and solidified it.  It's highly textured pitting and wrinkled surface is due to pervasive etching by naturally occurring CO2 and humic acids present in groundwater.

CRYSTAL SYSTEM:   Amorphous 


HARDNESS:   5.5 - 7 on the Mohs scale

ORIGIN:   Found mainly in southern Bohemia and Moravia (both Czech Republic), minor occurrences in Austria and Germany, and very rare occurrences from south-west Poland.

Moldavites were traded by prehistoric humans and a few specimens were found outside of these area.


CHAKRA:  Crown, Third Eye





CLEANSING:  Our favourite way to cleanse Moldavite is putting it outside on a clear night underneath the full moon and stars   

CARE:  Despite dropping from the sky at one point, Moldavite can be fragile. To clean rinse Moldavite and dry with a soft cloth . Avoid any  chemicals or cleaning products. Do not steam or put in  an ultrasonic cleaner.  Avoid extreme temperature changes and strong sunlight for extended periods of time. Moldavite is relatively soft so protect from sharp objects, dropping or blows. 

ESSENTIAL OIL:  Our favourite essential oil to diffuse while using Moldavite is Frankincense 


Adam Barralet –, ,  Judy Hall – The Crystal Bible,,,, 

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