Collection: Lepidolite

Calm    Intuition    Spiritual Connection    Hope

Lepidolite is the most common Lithium bearing mineral, making this a crystal well known for calming and balancing our emotions.  Meditating with this stone helps us find stability, especially at times of change and shines for us bringing hope in dark times.  

Associating with our Crown and Third Eye Chakra's, this is a highly spiritual crystal that helps us to connect with our true soul path, opens connections with our ancestors to download their guidance and wisdom, and increases our intuition.

Lepidolite comes in all shades of purple from almost white, to a dark purple containing varying amounts of White Quartz, White Topaz (ranging from clear, to light yellow or light brown) and Black Tourmaline. 

Scroll to the bottom to choose your piece of Lepidolite  ♡



 "'Lepidos" (scale), and "lithos" (stone).

When Lepidolite takes a Mica form it's energy is amplified and ability to absorb negative energy (incl EMF) is increased. 


  • Brings hope in dark times
  • Reduces stress and depression
  • Releases obsessive thoughts, dependancies and addictions
  • Gives a sense of balance and calm​​
  • Enhances our intuition to help us get through change with trust ​that everything will ultimately turn out for the best​​
  • Guides and support us through transformation ​​
  • Increases our self-love
  • Emotional healing
  • Helps us to be more patient
  • Brings optimism​​
  • Soothes and stabilises our mood bringing calm - a natural source of​ Lithium (most effective when rubbed​​ to release the Lithium)
  • Helps lift exhaustion​​
  • Strengthens our connection with nature and people
  • If you are feeling angry, combine Lepidolite with Pink Tourmaline to move from frustration to understanding and compassion
  • Increases our intellect, analytical abilities, helps us make good decisions 


  • Enhances our intuition to help us get through change with trust ​that everything will ultimately turn out for the best​​
  • Guides and supports us through transformation ​​
  • Shows us our true soul path
  • Strengthens ancestral connection to receive guidance  
  • Attract people and experiences that supports our spiritual development
  • Helps with astral travel, dream work, rebirthing and accessing akashic records
  • Aids meditation
  • Releases negativity from our past that is creating blockages
  • Creates a blissful, spiritual space (surround a piece of Lepidolite with six Clear Quartz points pointing outwards)
  • Cleanses and deters unwanted encounters with spirit  


Lepidolite may be helpful for:

  • Stress
  • Depression
  • Stabilises our mood a natural source of​ Lithium (most effective when rubbed​​ to release the Lithium)
  • Insomnia
  • Exhaustion​​
  • Anorexia
  • Immune system​​
  • Allergies
  • Detoxifies
  • Epilepsy
  • Alzheimers 
  • Neuralgia 
  • Bipolar and other Psychiatric conditions (place a piece of Lepidolite by the crown of your head, visualise a soft violet ball of energy radiating, keep your pieces of Lepidolite with you throughout the day)


    • Absorbs electromagnetic pollution (keep next to computers)
    • Detoxifies the environment
    • In earthquake prone areas, bury Lepidolite in the ground to settle the Earth’s energy or grid around your home to help reduce the impact of earthquakes
    • Sick building syndrome



    I am at peace with all that has happened

    I am at peace with all that is happening

    I am at peace with all that will happen



    COLOURS: Lepidolite is a lithium-bearing Mica, it is often assumed that lithium is what causes the pink-purple colouring but it is actually trace amounts of Manganese that cause the pink-purple colour.

    Lepidolite forms in all shades of purple from almost white to dark purple depending on amounts of Manganese, White Quartz, White Topaz (ranging from clear, to light yellow or light brown) and Black Tourmaline. 

    Lepidolite forms layers that can be straight or curved, it can be, shiny or grainy. 

    DIAPHANEITY:  Transparent

    CRYSTAL FAMILY:  Trioctahedral Mica Group > Mica > Lepidolite

    FORMATION:   Lepidolite is a lithium-bearing Mica, it is often assumed that lithium is what causes the pink-purple colouring but it is actually trace amounts of Manganese that cause the pink-purple colour.

    Lepidolite contains Lithium contained in Mica, Aluminium and Manganese

    CRYSTAL SYSTEM:  Monoclinic   

    CRYSTAL CLASS:  Prismatic


    • Tabular to prismatic pseudohexagonal crystals
    • Scaly aggregates
    • Massive

    CHEMICAL FORMULA:  K(Li,Al3)(AlSi3)O10(OH,F)2

    HARDNESS:   2½ - 3½ on the Mohs scale

    on the Mohs scale

    ORIGIN:   Brazil, Canada, Madagascar, Russia, California USA


    CHAKRA:  Crown, Third Eye and Heart Chakra's


    ZODIAC:  Libra, Pisces


    PLANETS:   Neptune 

    CLEANSING:  Our favourite way to cleanse Lepidolite is under the full moon, especially on a clear night when the sky is full of stars.  

    CARE, protect Lepidolite from the following:  

    🧴  Cleaners - abrasive or chemical

    ✂️  Sharp objects

    〰️  Ultrasonic cleaners

    💦  Water - avoid submerging or soaking

    ESSENTIAL OIL:  Our favourite essential oil to diffuse while using Lepidolite is Violet

    Adam Barralet –, ,  Judy Hall – The Crystal Bible,,,

    All information provided on this website is for educational purposes only. The products listed on and @hiah.bymiah are not intended to diagnose, mitigate, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. offers information that is provided for recreational and personal reference purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional care. 

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