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Hiah by Miah



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When we looked for a "standard" definition of Enlightenment (Spiritual Awakening) we were surprised that it means slightly different things  across different cultures, religions, and spiritual leaders but some common words seem to pop up across them all:  acceptance, belief, trust, understanding, unconditional love, peace, honouring and feeling part of nature, connection with pure spirit or higher being, a higher level of consciousness (or knowing).  

Enlightenment to us personally means reaching a level of pure spiritual connection and consciousness that connects with, understands, accepts and loves ALL that is.  

It is believed that spiritual enlightenment and spiritual growth happens in the midst of turmoil, chaos, and pain, just like the mud lotus, which blooms because of the mud, not in spite of it.  

The more we are able to act from a place of love, acceptance and non-judgement, releasing fear, anger, expectations and connection to material goods, the closer we are to spiritual enlightenment.  By no longer feeling fear, anxiety, anger or worry, when we are faced with, what we would have felt as a negative experience, we only feel love and understanding.  


Ref: -

Photo: Pinterest

We hope you have found our resources helpful.  We spend a lot of time researching information and loading it to our website.  If you have found this useful click here for some options on how you can support us.

Thankyou so much for visiting our website, we appreciate your support, Miah and Erica ⊹ ♡。⋆


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