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Hiah by Miah

Mohs Scale of Hardness

Mohs Scale of Hardness

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The Mohs Scale of Hardness is a measure of the hardness of minerals by how easily they are scratched.   It is a useful, but not entirely accurate way to identify minerals. 

The method of comparing hardness by observing which minerals can scratch others, dates back to 300 BC as mentioned in Theophrastus written work "On Stones".  The method was later introduced by German mineralogist Fredrich Mohs in 1812. 



Scale Resistence
0.2 Butter, Potassium
0.5 Candle wax, Lithium, Sodium
1 Can be scratched easily with a fingernail Talc, Sulphur
1.5 Ice, Tin, Lead
2 Can be scratched with fingernail Ivory, Amber, Bismuth, Calcium, Copper, Gypsum, Gold, Jet, Magnesium, Pearl, Silver
3 Can be scratched with coin Chalk, Bronze, Calcite, Coral, Malachite, Pearl, Platinum
4  Can be scratched easily with a knife.  Can not scratch glass Fluorite, Iron, Rhodochrosite
5 Can be scratched with a knife.  Can just scratch glass Tooth Enamel, Glass, Apatite, Lapis Lazuli, Obsidian, Opal, Turquoise, 
6 Can be scratched with a steel file.  Easily scratches window/bottle glass Jadeite, Moonstone, Orthoclase Feldspar, Peridot, Titanium, Pyrite, Rutile, Zircon
7 Easily scratches metal and glass Porcelain, Amethyst, Aquamarine, Citrine, Emerald, Garnet, Quartz, Tourmaline
8 Scratches Quartz  Topaz
9 Scratches Topaz Tungsten Carbide, Corundum, Ruby, Sapphire
10 Scratches Ruby Diamond




Reference:  Wikipedia

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